For Taking One Step Forward In Your Relationship With Jesus Christ


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Access Hundreds of Online Bible Studies For Free!

Immanuel offers free access to RightNow Media for all of our church family! Simply create an account below and get watching! 

  • Over 14,000 discipleship videos for adults, youth, and children

  • Free group study guides

  • Biblically-based videos on topics like marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, leadership, finances and much more

Strategic Partner Prayer Guide

Pick up your issue of our Strategic Partner Prayer Guide in the Commons! Published every six months.

  • 6 month prayer calendar

  • Profiles of all of our Strategic Partners

  • General prayer requests

  • Specified prayer requests from our partners

For The New Believer

Congratulations! You just said yes to the best decision ever. But what’s next?

Now that you are saved, Jesus invites you to experience new life on Earth. It’s not always easy, but each day is an opportunity for a new start. Here are a few things you can do today to grow your faith and nurture your new relationship with God.

  • If you don’t already have one, you can stop by the Connect Center or Church Office for one. We reccommend starting in the book of John, and going from there. Here is a list of some of our favorite devotionals for new believers. If reading isn't your thing, you can also find tons of free video bible studies by setting up an account on RightNow Media.

  • Making a daily habit of prayer is essential for a relationship with God. Tell Him what’s on your mind, how amazing He is, and the ways you need His help. Here are some of our favorite books on prayer. 

  • Fill your mind with God's Word, and protect your heart from the ways of this world. Music has more influence than you think! We’re creating a Spotify Playlist called "The Worship Series”. Feel free to save it and listen to it throughout your week. 

  • For a new believer, surrounding yourself with fellow believers is key to taking steps forward in your relationship with Jesus Christ. At Immanuel, we are passionate about our Small Groups. These groups are custom-formed to place you in a community that is both challenging and encouraging. If you have any questions on how to get involved, feel free to reach out to

  • Watch to past sermons in our Sermon Archive. Or, if podcasts are your thing, you can press play and simply listen. It’s the same great message, 2 different ways. You can also listen to our sermons on Spotify. 

  • Adult Bible Fellowship Classes (or ABFs) are ongoing Sunday morning classes that dive deep into God's Word in a discussion-based setting. These classes are non-commital and open for adults of all ages. Feel free to try out as many classes as you like until you find one that fits your needs. 

  • When you accept Jesus into your heart, you are born again. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward love and it symbolizes dying to your old self, and being raised to new life. We hold baptism services twice a year. To inquire about the next scheduled baptism, please contact the church office. 

Have a question, or want to talk further about what you can do as a new believer? Fill out the brief form below or contact the church office, and one of our Staff members will respond with helpful info, or answer your questions.

For Parents

At Immanuel, we seek to aid parents as they disciple their children. Check out some of our favorite parent resources below.