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Rooted Family Ministry: Book Discussion


Join us for pizza, fellowship, and discussion of Raising Passionate Jesus Followers, the book that was given to families at Summer Rooted. 

Where: Immanuel Church, the Court

When: Wednesday, September 25th, dinner at 5:30 pm with discussion thereafter


Our goal is to equip and support parents as the lead disciple makers of their children, and believe that Raising Passionate Jesus Followers acts as a tool toward that goal.

If you are a parent of babies, children, or teens and would like a copy, please let us know in your registration form and we will distribute additional books in the next two weeks.

It will be most helpful for you if you finish the book ahead of time, but please still come if that is not possible. There will be plenty of discussion and opportunities to learn from one another to encourage your completion of the book thereafter! 

*We are working to establish childcare, but it is not secured yet. We will let you know in plenty of time to make other arrangements for your children if we cannot establish enough volunteers.

Colossians 2:6,7 “Therefore as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

Register Below

Volunteer Needs

We are in need of volunteers to help with childcare during this event! If you are willing to help, sign up below!

September 24

Ladies' Fall Bible Study

October 12

Rooted Fall Party