Adventure Camp
Current 6th & 5th GRADERS!!!
Join us as we head to Grace Adventures for a weekend of summer camp fun, worship, & teaching! We will be meeting at church during the early afternoon on July 19th and heading up to Grace Adventures. We will be returning on the afternoon of Sunday, July 21st around 12:30 pm.
Each year camp weekends are a highlight for students. This is a great opportunity for students to build connections with their small group, deepen their knowledge of the Bible, grow in their relationship with Jesus, experience new activities, and of course have a ton of fun!
Cost Includes: Special Friday Activity, Meals, Transportation, Lodging, Games & Activities, Smores’ & more!
Early Bird NOW- May 5th $130
Regular Admission May 6th- June 25th $155
*Registrants will receive an email with times, a packing list, & other final details the week before the trip. In the meantime please contact with any questions or financial concerns.